Meals on wheels van utilises hydrogen power 01 May 2024

hydrogen power Vantastec (Image credit: Vantastec)

A hydrogen-powered meals on wheels van built by Vantastec has entered a trial on behalf of Monmouthshire Council in Wales.

The vehicle combines Nissan’s Electric Townstar and Vantastec’s new, patent-pending ‘Hydrogen Power Unit’ to power equipment that can defrost and regenerate meals to an edible temperature.

The Power Unit is said to give specialist vehicle operators a new, zero-emission independent power source for on-board equipment such as microwaves, water heaters and regeneration ovens.

It was built and developed in partnership with Swedish-based fuel cell experts, the PowerCell Group.

Powercell sales manager, Stuart Sharp, said: “PowerCell is proud to be a part of this project, which is bringing hydrogen applications closer to the community. This demonstrates the limitless possibilities and demand for hydrogen fuel cells in our lives as we transition to a greener future. The success of this project, achieved in record time, is attributed to the teamwork between PowerCell and Vantastec. Both companies have contributed their expertise and dedication to develop the hydrogen fuel cell power generation system installed on the roof of the vehicle. This collaboration showcases that true net-zero fleet operation is achievable today.”

Vantastec managing directors Gareth Edwards and Colin Smith said: “Battery-powered vehicles certainly have their place. But when it comes to installing heavy ancillary equipment, any additional weight can drastically affect an EV’s real-world range.

“Feedback from our customers tells us EVs aren’t optimal for a lot of business’ workflows.

“Our new Hydrogen Power Unit gives fleet operators one less battery to charge. Instead, they are able to refuel at a hydrogen fuel station in less than 10 minutes.

“The pack can be installed on any kind of van as an additional power source – not just oven vans. You can even use it as a standalone generator to charge your electric vehicles.”

Monmouthshire Meals delivers hot and frozen meals to residents with an assessed need, helping them stay independent in their homes for longer.

The service operates 365 days a year, bringing meals to approximately 300 households in their specially-made vehicles.

Transport Engineer

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